I know the practice is widely considered to be a best practice when nursing a lead in the fourth quarter, but I really have a hard time with it. You are doing the opposing defense a hell of a favor by down-shifting your high-powered attack.
Is it just me, or did we watch two of the best offensive teams in the CFB--USC and Ohio State--both go to prevent offenses and shoot themselves in the foot in the process? No, I'm not excusing our defense, but both teams could have won their contests had they continued "dancing with the girl what brung them" rather than than trying to finish their games with one hand (the offense) tied behind the back?
Is it just me, or did we watch two of the best offensive teams in the CFB--USC and Ohio State--both go to prevent offenses and shoot themselves in the foot in the process? No, I'm not excusing our defense, but both teams could have won their contests had they continued "dancing with the girl what brung them" rather than than trying to finish their games with one hand (the offense) tied behind the back?