Seems like we are following the same script with every crisis: mea culpa, followed by a bunch of empty symbolic gestures.
In the case of NCAA sanctions, Haden is all over the airwaves and in print promoting "winning the right way" and "no more cheating." Then we establish the biggest, most bloated compliance department in the country.
In the case of Drunk-gate, Sark is forced into a humiliating, public shaming press conference where he vows to get therapy even while saying he doesn't have a drinking problem. Then SC takes the empty symbolic gestures of banning beer from the coaches' office and Sark vows not to drink any more this season.
If Sark is an alcoholic, then he shouldn't be drinking or even around booze. But he's denying that. So, if that's the case, then banning beer from the coaches' office or Sark denying himself a beer during the season is purely symbolic and nothing else.
It's almost as if we respond to crises by using the jacket cover to The Idiot's Guide to Press Relations. We just try to give reporters their found of flesh ... then we appease them, and then move on.
In the case of NCAA sanctions, Haden is all over the airwaves and in print promoting "winning the right way" and "no more cheating." Then we establish the biggest, most bloated compliance department in the country.
In the case of Drunk-gate, Sark is forced into a humiliating, public shaming press conference where he vows to get therapy even while saying he doesn't have a drinking problem. Then SC takes the empty symbolic gestures of banning beer from the coaches' office and Sark vows not to drink any more this season.
If Sark is an alcoholic, then he shouldn't be drinking or even around booze. But he's denying that. So, if that's the case, then banning beer from the coaches' office or Sark denying himself a beer during the season is purely symbolic and nothing else.
It's almost as if we respond to crises by using the jacket cover to The Idiot's Guide to Press Relations. We just try to give reporters their found of flesh ... then we appease them, and then move on.