Without any real info, all posters do is validate who they feel should be the new coach.
At this point does anyone have anything more than just a guess? We all worry that
Pat can overcome his handicap of his Rhodes Scholar ego and realize that this critical
decision should have real input from shrewd evaluators currently involved in college
football. Some things are painfully obvious, no USC retreads. I realize some of the
most logical candidates John H., Gary P., Mark D. are probably not available. I ask
who then would you be satisfied with, if we cant get a homerun ? Kyle W., Les M.,
Todd G., . It doesn't look like PAT is going after Herman just a feeling. Have sanctions,
desensitized us into accepting less than we expect ? Besides all this mental foreplay
I would like to know how we can make a difference if were not major donors?
At this point does anyone have anything more than just a guess? We all worry that
Pat can overcome his handicap of his Rhodes Scholar ego and realize that this critical
decision should have real input from shrewd evaluators currently involved in college
football. Some things are painfully obvious, no USC retreads. I realize some of the
most logical candidates John H., Gary P., Mark D. are probably not available. I ask
who then would you be satisfied with, if we cant get a homerun ? Kyle W., Les M.,
Todd G., . It doesn't look like PAT is going after Herman just a feeling. Have sanctions,
desensitized us into accepting less than we expect ? Besides all this mental foreplay
I would like to know how we can make a difference if were not major donors?