How appropriate that Obama's hometown of Chicago becomes the showcase for the cancer that has befallen America. The actions of the leftist mob that brought violence and disruption to a rally for an American Presidential candidate validates what many of us already know about the progressive left and should be a wake up call to the rest of America. These "protests" are not some organic occurrence, they are highly organized and strategically planned. There is a broad coalition of liberals, leftists, progressive and socialist/communist groups that despite their differences are united in their hatred of America and its traditional values.
Seeing Obama's mentor, American terrorist Bill Ayers in the street protesting and giving interviews to a fawning media when he should be in prison or better yet dead, only serves as a painful reminder of America's apathy and ignorance toward the decades long creep of this threat to our existence.
Phony "social warrior" groups like BLM and Occupy whose leadership has been exposed as anti-America thrive thanks to a complicit media and cheerleading from the White House and assistance from Obama's DOJ. These organizations are no more than marxists trying to undermine our way of life, our institutions and our religious beliefs. There is no dialogue or civil discourse allowed by these tyrants, it's their way or nothing. They shout down and bully their targets. Their primary weapons are victimization and hate speech.
Their end game is to destroy America, but true to their leftist nature they haven't thought it out beyond that goal. What will they gain if the succeed? What will be left and where will they go from there? Most of know the answer and it isn't a world any of us would want to live in. It's time to meet these malcontents in the streets if necessary and show them their game has been exposed and we're not going to take it anymore. They have grossly misjudged how many are prepared to meet them head on. They will be wiped out and so will their movement. Obama can take this "transformation" into retirement and we'll preserve it as the cornerstone of his failed Presidency.
Seeing Obama's mentor, American terrorist Bill Ayers in the street protesting and giving interviews to a fawning media when he should be in prison or better yet dead, only serves as a painful reminder of America's apathy and ignorance toward the decades long creep of this threat to our existence.
Phony "social warrior" groups like BLM and Occupy whose leadership has been exposed as anti-America thrive thanks to a complicit media and cheerleading from the White House and assistance from Obama's DOJ. These organizations are no more than marxists trying to undermine our way of life, our institutions and our religious beliefs. There is no dialogue or civil discourse allowed by these tyrants, it's their way or nothing. They shout down and bully their targets. Their primary weapons are victimization and hate speech.
Their end game is to destroy America, but true to their leftist nature they haven't thought it out beyond that goal. What will they gain if the succeed? What will be left and where will they go from there? Most of know the answer and it isn't a world any of us would want to live in. It's time to meet these malcontents in the streets if necessary and show them their game has been exposed and we're not going to take it anymore. They have grossly misjudged how many are prepared to meet them head on. They will be wiped out and so will their movement. Obama can take this "transformation" into retirement and we'll preserve it as the cornerstone of his failed Presidency.