hope surrounding this kid's recruitment. Trust me guys- he was never coming. He reminds me of the DT that was from DC years back that PC was chasing- eventually was paid by UNC and Butch Davis to go there and had a cup of coffee with the Giants. Enjoyed the trip, said all the right things- thought maybe he could run for office someday- wasn't coming never was nada nothing. Now this game is two ways, I' m sure PC knew it was a long shot- he of the Vegas Out of State High Profile Crap Shoot- ( see Andre Smith- jobs for everyone as I recall- to Bama)but what the hell why not- SC won't go broke flying him or future long shots out. This guy and momma the same way, momma not letting him out of her sight unless she gets housing, job, etc to come with him and SC, as far as I can tell- doesn't do the Sam Gilbert.Clemson- sure, the South, maybe big money Colonels ponying up,doubt it with the scrutiny this kid brings ( but what the hell- Scammer went for 250000 to Auburn and NCAA did nothing- he of the Hero Worship this week)but if someone offers momma job down there maybe. I figure Meeeeeshigan- with Peppers there, that's where he was always going. But like every year- these guys come and go, SC will always be there, momma's are gonna shake the trees at every school- 3 and done- pro career for however long- then reality. Hey- drink from the Chalice for as long as someone puts something in it- SC will be there long after their ride is over.