Staten Island Trumpers torment asylum seekers with loudspeakers and flashlights
Fanatic MAGA minions took time out of their busy days not making the world a better place but to torment families fleeing US-sponsored violence and poverty in South America, shouting "you're not wanted here," "you're not welcome," and "f*ck you" outside a school where 60 asylum seekers were given temporary shelter. One knuckle-dragger questioned aloud whether the immigrants were pedophiles.
The entire affair was capped off with a xenophobic speech from — why not — Newsmax host Johnny Tabacco, who admitted the screeching volume of the PA system was intentionally jacked up to cause maximum discomfort for the refugees inside. It is shamefully clear that, in fact, we are the ones not sending our best.
Yep, this is what you get if you vote for Trump!
Fanatic MAGA minions took time out of their busy days not making the world a better place but to torment families fleeing US-sponsored violence and poverty in South America, shouting "you're not wanted here," "you're not welcome," and "f*ck you" outside a school where 60 asylum seekers were given temporary shelter. One knuckle-dragger questioned aloud whether the immigrants were pedophiles.
The entire affair was capped off with a xenophobic speech from — why not — Newsmax host Johnny Tabacco, who admitted the screeching volume of the PA system was intentionally jacked up to cause maximum discomfort for the refugees inside. It is shamefully clear that, in fact, we are the ones not sending our best.
Yep, this is what you get if you vote for Trump!