B bybybill Alumni Gold Member Jan 30, 2006 6,853 995 113 Feb 3, 2016 #1 Four years of SC football HELL, Kiffin, Sark, NCAA trash, reduced classes. and that BS and still, look at the talent, at every position on this team. Certainly not OU or Bama depth, not yet, but amazing never the less.
Four years of SC football HELL, Kiffin, Sark, NCAA trash, reduced classes. and that BS and still, look at the talent, at every position on this team. Certainly not OU or Bama depth, not yet, but amazing never the less.
TheWestisBest Alumni Gold Member Jan 18, 2016 5,834 3,780 113 Orange County Feb 3, 2016 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.