The US is the classic enabler


Aug 13, 2001
So where is Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, Abu Dahbi when all this stuff goes down. US spends trillions and gets thousands of soldiers killed, while the oil rich nations watch the price of oil go up. We buy more tanks, Saudis buy more mercedes

The key to the middle east is to let them fight it out and let the big money countries feel vulnerable. The last thing we should do is be protecting regimes. I am ok with pure humanitarian help but that is where you draw the line. If we can save lives its a good thing, but we should not make any attempt to save a government, let each one be afraid their day will come

The invasion of Iraq was suppose to be a war to end terrorism, it was a tragic miscalculation

We import very little oil form the middle east anymore, most comes from Canada. Would not take much to just cut them off completely

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