I only do this because i know some of you haven't the time to watch this nonsense. On today's weekly "The Experts" segment, in a run of 90 minutes, these "experts" manage to completely ignore SC, who is playing a Major conference foe, Stanford, and mention and show Ucla four times. Evidently their game vs BYU is far more important, even though Espin's parent, ABC, is carrying the SC game nationally.
Believe me folks, they didn't refer to the game or to SC once, but experts managed to talk about all of the returnees Ucla has, what a "complete team" they are and why BYU has no chance.
Of course, and I blame our administration and athletic department for not going to war with Bendover Larry, the fact that we played in secret on the Pac-12 network in our lst two games, and one of those started after most people were in bed, may have something to do with it.
I wonder, just how long, considering the lies Scott told to the Presidents about projected revenue, his ludicrous approach to the DTV situation, and the two million per school they won't get until DTV is in the picture, will the Ivory Tower guys put up with, not Bend over Larry, but clueless Larry?
Believe me folks, they didn't refer to the game or to SC once, but experts managed to talk about all of the returnees Ucla has, what a "complete team" they are and why BYU has no chance.
Of course, and I blame our administration and athletic department for not going to war with Bendover Larry, the fact that we played in secret on the Pac-12 network in our lst two games, and one of those started after most people were in bed, may have something to do with it.
I wonder, just how long, considering the lies Scott told to the Presidents about projected revenue, his ludicrous approach to the DTV situation, and the two million per school they won't get until DTV is in the picture, will the Ivory Tower guys put up with, not Bend over Larry, but clueless Larry?