Posted this on another board, but feel like there may be a few folks here who might like to read it.
The only way to salvage this sinking ship is to look to the future. I’ve always tried to conduct myself on these message boards by the simple ethos of never saying anything about a player that I wouldn’t say to his mother’s face or his father’s face, or to his face.
I cannot say I’ve always been successful in that endeavor. I’m human and I’m fallible, and occasionally have said things about a player that I regretted, and in rarer cases, can’t say I regretted it, then or now.
It was also a lot easier to follow that credo in 2006 than it is 15 years later, watching this…..this…… I don’t even know what to call it…….abomination is all I can come up with. On Halloween night in 2008 we went up to Corvallis and got beat. I said at the time it was like we sleep walked through that game. After last night, compared to THAT, 2008 In Corvallis was January 4, 2005 in Miami.
So, screw it, play the kids. The future of this team, isn’t the upperclassmen. The future of this team is not this coaching staff. After this abomination, I’m not sure either of those groups have much of a future in football. I’m not talking about the two Drake’s, although I think Drake Jackson has been wasted at USC. Not his fault. He’s going to be fine.
The future of this team is the youngsters. Brett Neilon isn’t going to get any better. Isaiah Pola- Mao isn‘t going get any better. Either are Figueroa, ITS, Chris Steele, Kromenhoek etc. But the kids can get better. They aren’t going to get much better in practice. Not with this staff. That much is evident. They need to play, even if we don’t win many more, or even any more games. It’s the only course of action available to us.
Throw out the depth chart, let the kids play and let the older players be the backups.
Let Slovis be the backup. Give Moss the position until Dart is healthy. Let Slovis go somewhere else, to some other program, some other staff that can get him back on track, if that’s possible. So far, it’s worked out pretty well for JT Daniels.
Funny story, I was told that when JT visited Alabama, he was really close to committing to them but instead, he called the USC staff and told them he was in. He was going to be a Trojan. When his dad asked him why, he said “ I don’t want to go to Alabama, I want to go somewhere and beat Alabama”.
So he’s probably going to get the chance. Just not at USC. I’ll be rooting for him. I’ve lived in Athens for 20 years and never really rooted for UGA, but I am this year. These people deserve to win a title so they can lose the 1980 moniker, and JT deserves to see if he can beat Alabama.
Sorry for the rant, but it needs to be said.
Our only hope for the future, is to begin the future now.
The only way to salvage this sinking ship is to look to the future. I’ve always tried to conduct myself on these message boards by the simple ethos of never saying anything about a player that I wouldn’t say to his mother’s face or his father’s face, or to his face.
I cannot say I’ve always been successful in that endeavor. I’m human and I’m fallible, and occasionally have said things about a player that I regretted, and in rarer cases, can’t say I regretted it, then or now.
It was also a lot easier to follow that credo in 2006 than it is 15 years later, watching this…..this…… I don’t even know what to call it…….abomination is all I can come up with. On Halloween night in 2008 we went up to Corvallis and got beat. I said at the time it was like we sleep walked through that game. After last night, compared to THAT, 2008 In Corvallis was January 4, 2005 in Miami.
So, screw it, play the kids. The future of this team, isn’t the upperclassmen. The future of this team is not this coaching staff. After this abomination, I’m not sure either of those groups have much of a future in football. I’m not talking about the two Drake’s, although I think Drake Jackson has been wasted at USC. Not his fault. He’s going to be fine.
The future of this team is the youngsters. Brett Neilon isn’t going to get any better. Isaiah Pola- Mao isn‘t going get any better. Either are Figueroa, ITS, Chris Steele, Kromenhoek etc. But the kids can get better. They aren’t going to get much better in practice. Not with this staff. That much is evident. They need to play, even if we don’t win many more, or even any more games. It’s the only course of action available to us.
Throw out the depth chart, let the kids play and let the older players be the backups.
Let Slovis be the backup. Give Moss the position until Dart is healthy. Let Slovis go somewhere else, to some other program, some other staff that can get him back on track, if that’s possible. So far, it’s worked out pretty well for JT Daniels.
Funny story, I was told that when JT visited Alabama, he was really close to committing to them but instead, he called the USC staff and told them he was in. He was going to be a Trojan. When his dad asked him why, he said “ I don’t want to go to Alabama, I want to go somewhere and beat Alabama”.
So he’s probably going to get the chance. Just not at USC. I’ll be rooting for him. I’ve lived in Athens for 20 years and never really rooted for UGA, but I am this year. These people deserve to win a title so they can lose the 1980 moniker, and JT deserves to see if he can beat Alabama.
Sorry for the rant, but it needs to be said.
Our only hope for the future, is to begin the future now.