And this was a home game. And we had all summer to get ready for this. And we had been home for 3 straight weeks. If we did not have a couple of superstars on d, it would be worse. Stanford has no superstars. Everyone complains that the dl has no talent. They were all 4 stars. But lets say the evaluation was wrong on all of them. And they are really all just 3 star talents. So what. There are like 5 5th seniors on this alleged 3 star dl. That is a veteran dline and lb's. And yes the lb's/de's are vets too(except smith). So I don't care if they are not living up to their 4 and 5 star billing. Can't they live up to their extremely veteran 3 star ability? Who in the pac 12 has this many veteran players in the front 7. Wilcox needs to go.