This is all hypothetical, obviously but...
Inspired by the Petersen ball-washer thread, I started thinking about how would year 2 of a Chris Petersen era at USC look and wondered if USC would have been able to close and sign the same class it has now .I am talking about the big dogs in state - Marshall, Green and Houston.
Do you think SC would have pursued Massina, Gustin and Ronald Jones, and if so do you think they would have signed at SC?
Inspired by the Petersen ball-washer thread, I started thinking about how would year 2 of a Chris Petersen era at USC look and wondered if USC would have been able to close and sign the same class it has now .I am talking about the big dogs in state - Marshall, Green and Houston.
Do you think SC would have pursued Massina, Gustin and Ronald Jones, and if so do you think they would have signed at SC?